[[http://cadia.ru.is|CADIA Main Page]] [[http://cadia.ru.is|{{ :public:cadia-final-1-whitebg-small.jpg?nolink |CADIA Main Page}}]] ----- ===== CADIA PUBLICATIONS BY YEAR ===== [B]=//Book chapter// [C]=//Conference paper// [E]=//Edited book// [J]=//Journal paper// [T]=//Tech report// [W]=//Workshop paper// [O]=//Other// ----- \\ \\ \\ ==== 2013 ==== * [T] E. Nivel, K. R. Thórisson, B. R. Steunebrink, H. Dindo, G. Pezzulo, M. Rodriguez, C. Hernandez, D. Ognibene, J. Schmidhuber, R. Sanz, H. P. Helgason, A. Chella & G. K. Jonsson (2013). Bounded Recursive Self-Improvement. Reykjavik University School of Computer Science Technical Report RUTR-SCS13006. [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6764|PDF]] on ArXiV. * * [C] Steunebrink, B. R., J. Koutnik, K. R. Thórisson, E. Nivel & J. Schmidhuber (2013). Resource-Bounded Machines are Motivated to be Efficient, Effective, and Curious. In K-U Kühnberger, S. Rudolph & P. Wang (eds.), Proceedings of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI-13), 119-129, Beijing, China. **//Recipient of the [[http://www.kurzweilai.net|Kurzweil]] Prize for Best AGI Idea//**. * [B] Jonsdottir, G.R., & K. R. Thórisson (2013). A Distributed Architecture for Real-Time Dialogue and On-Task Learning of Efficient Cooperative Turn-Taking. In M. Rojc and N. Campbell (eds.), //Speech, Gaze and Affect//, Ch. 12, 293-323. Boca Raton, Florida, US: Taylor & Francis. * [C] Nivel, E. & K. R. Thórisson (2013). Towards a Programming Paradigm for Control Systems With High Levels of Existential Autonomy. In K-U Kühnberger, S. Rudolph & P. Wang (eds.), Proceedings of Artificial General Intelligence, Beijing, July 31 - Aug 3, 2013, 78-87.{{:public:nivel_thorisson_replicode_agi13.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Thórisson, K. R. (2013). Reductio ad Absurdum: On Oversimplification in Computer Science and its Pernicious Effect on Artificial Intelligence Research. In A. H. M. Abdel-Fattah &K.-U. Kühnberger (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop Formalizing Mechanisms for Artificial General Intelligence and Cognition (Formal MAGiC), Beijing, China, July 31st, 31-35. Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück. [[http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~kris/ftp/Thorisson-ReductioAdAbsurdum-AGI2013.pdf|PDF]] * [T] Nivel, E. & K. R. Thórisson (2013). Replicode: A Constructivist Programming Paradigm and Language. Reykjavik University School of Computer Science Technical Report, RUTR-SCS13001. {{:public:publications:replicode.v2.4.rutr-scs13001.pdf|PDF}} * [T] Nivel, E., K. R. Thórisson, H. Dindo, G. Pezzulo, M. Rodriguez, C. Corbato, B. Steunebrink, D. Ognibene, A. Chella, J. Schmidhuber, R. Sanz, H. P. Helgason (2013). Autocatalytic Endogenous Reflective Architecture. Reykjavik University School of Computer Science Technical Report, RUTR-SCS13002. {{:public:publications:aera-rutr-scs13002.pdf|PDF}} ==== 2012 ==== * [C] Helgason, H. P., E. Nivel & K. R. Thórisson (2012). On Attention Mechanisms for AGI Architectures: A Design Proposal. Proceedings of Artificial General Intelligence, Oxford University, December. **//Awarded the [[http://www.kurzweilai.net|Kurzweil]] Prize for Best AGI Idea//**. [[http://www.mindmakers.org/attachments/download/255/paper_16.pdf|PDF]] * [C] Helgason, H. P., K. R. Thórisson (2012). Attention Capabilities for AI Systems. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2012), Rome, July. [[http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~kris/ftp/Helgason-Thorisson-AttentionForAI.pdf|PDF]] * [J] Thórisson, K. R. & H. P. Helgason (2012). Cognitive Architectures and Autonomy: A Comparative Review. Journal of Artificial General Intelligence, **3**:2, 1-30. [[http://versita.metapress.com/content/052t1h656614848h/fulltext.pdf|PDF]] * [B] Thórisson, K. R. (2012). A New Constructivist AI: From Manual Construction to Self-Constructive Systems. In P. Wang and B. Goertzel (eds.), Theoretical Foundations of Artificial General Intelligence. Atlantis Thinking Machines, 4:145-171. [[http://xenia.media.mit.edu/~kris/ftp/Thorisson_chapt9_TFofAGI_Wang_Goertzel_2012.pdf|PDF]] * [C] Dindo, H and La Tona, G. and Nivel, E. and Pezzulo, G. and Chella, A. and Thorisson, K. R. (2012). Simulation and anticipation as tools for coordinating with the future. In A. Chella, R. Pirrone, R. Sorbello, and K. R. Johannsdottir, editors, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012, volume 196 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 117-125. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-34274-5_24 | PDF on Springer website]] ==== 2011 ==== * [C] Dindo, H, A. Chella, G. La Tona, M. Vitali, E. Nivel & K. R. Thórisson (2011). Learning Problem Solving Skills from Demonstration: An Architectural Approach. Proceedings of Artificial General Intelligence 2011. [[http://media.mit.edu/~kris/ftp/AGI2011-DINDOetAl.pdf|PDF]] ==== 2010 ==== * [C] Felkin, M., J. Terrien & K. R. Thórisson (2010). Laughter Detection in Noisy Settings. The //21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science//, NUI Galway, 30 August - 1 September. {{:public:publications:aics.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Jonsson, G.K. & K. R. Thórisson (2010). Evaluating Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction: A Case Study of an Early Humanoid Prototype. In A.J. Spink, F. Grieco, O.E. Krips, L.W.S. Loijens, L.P.J.J. Noldus and P.H. Zimmerman (Eds.), //Measuring Behavior 2010: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research//, The Netherlands, 24-27 August. {{:public:publications:evalmultimhuman-robotinteraction.pdf|PDF}} * [J] Thórisson, K. R., N. Spivack, J.M. Wissner (2010). The Semantic Web: From Representation to Realization. //Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science//, **6450**:90-107, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen and Ryszard Kowalczyk (Eds.), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-17155-0. {{http://xenia.media.mit.edu/%7Ekris/ftp/ThorissonEtAl-SemanticWebII-2010.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Gislason, O., G. R. Jonsdottir, H. Th. Thorisson, K. R. Thórisson (2010). Multiparty Turntaking - Using a Cognitive Model of Multimodal Dialogue Skills. Video, //Intelligent Virtual Agents 2010//. [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbHlFr6lL7E|YouTube video]] ==== 2009 ==== * [O] Thórisson, K. R. (2009). From Constructionist to Constructivist A.I. **Keynote**, //AAAI Fall Symposium Series - Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures//, Washington D.C., November 5-7, 175-183. AAAI Tech Report FS-09-01, AAAI press, Menlo Park, CA. {{:public:publications:custructivistai-thorisson-09.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Thórisson, K. R., N. Spivack and J. M. Wissner (2009). SemCards: A New Representation for Realizing the Semantic Web. In N.T. Nguyen, R. Kowalczyk and S.M. Chen (Eds.), //Proc. First International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence//, Wroclaw, Poland, Oct. 5-7; //Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence//, 5796, 425-436. {{:public:publications:semcards-thorissonetal.pdf|PDF}} [[public:publications:semcards-BibTeX|BibTeX]] * [J] Ng-Thow-Hing, V., K. R. Thórisson, R. K. Sarvadevabhatla, J. Wormer, T. List (2009). The Cognitive Map architecture for facilitating human-robot interaction in humanoid robots. //IEEE Robotics & Automation//, March, **16**(1):55-66. {{:public:publications:cognitivemapieee-09.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Stefánsson, S. F., B. Th. Jonsson and K. R. Thórisson (2009). A YARP-based Architectural Framework for Robotic Vision Applications. //Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP)//, Lisboa, Portugal, Feb. 5-8, **1**:65-68. {{:public:publications:yarparch-09.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Thórisson, K. R. and H. H. Vilhljalmsson (2009). Functional Description of Multimodal Acts: A Proposal. //The Eight International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems//, Budapest, Hungary, May 10-15. * [C] Thórisson, K. R., R. J. Saemundsson, G. R. Jonsdottir, B. Reynisson, C. Pedica, P. R. Thrainsson and P. Skowronski (2009). Applying Constructionist Design Methodology to Agent-Based Simulation Systems. //3rd International KES Symposium on Agents and Multi-agent Systems – Technologies and Applications//. * [C] Jonsdottir, G. R. and Thórisson, K. R. (2009). Teaching Computers to Conduct Spoken Interviews: Breaking the Realtime Barrier With Learning. //IVA '09//, 446–459; LNAI 5773. //**Nominated for Best Conference Paper Award.**// {{:public:publications:spokeninterviews-jonsd-thoriss-09.pdf|PDF}} * [T] Felkin, M., Terrien, J. and Thórisson, K. R. (2009). Laughter Detection in Noisy Settings. Technical report, Reykjavik University, Iceland. {{:public:publications:laugtherdeteccstr09002.pdf|PDF}} * [W] Felkin, M. & Kodratoff, Y. (2009). Helpful Robots are Clever Robots. //Beyond Gray Droids: Domestic Robot Design for the 21st Century workshop (DRD09), Human Computer Interaction (HCI 2009)//, Cambridge, UK. {{:public:publications:submittohciworkshop.pdf|PDF}} * [W] Felkin, M. & Kodratoff, Y. (2009). High Level Imitation Learning in a Treasure Hunting Task. Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR) workshop, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2009), Pasadena, CA, United States. {{:public:publications:ijcai_workshop.pdf|PDF}} * [O] Felkin, M. & Kodratoff, Y. (2009). Defining a human-like problem strategy for a robot. //Poster in the neuvièmes Journées Francophones "Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances" (ECG'09) //Strasbourg, 2009. {{:public:publications:egc_full_english_draft.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Nivel, E. & Thórisson, K. R. (2009). Self-Programming: Operationalizing Autonomy. //Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence//, 150-155, Arlington, VA, USA, March 6-9. {{:public:publications:agi-09.self-programming.nivel-thorisson.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Thórisson, K. R. & Nivel, E. (2009). Achieving Artificial General Intelligence Through Peewee Granularity. //Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence//, 222-223, Arlington, VA, USA, March 6-9. {{:public:publications:agi09-peeweegranularity-thorisson-nivel.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Thórisson, K. R. & Nivel, E. (2009). Holistic Intelligence: Transversal Skills and Current Methodologies. //Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence//, 220-221, Arlington, VA, USA, March 6-9. {{:public:publications:transversalskills-thorisson-nivel-09.pdf|PDF}} * [B] Thórisson, K. R. (2009). Vélvitund, meðvitund og sjálfsvitund í vélmennum og kjötvélum (Synthetic Sentience & Consciousness in Mechanoids & Meat Computers). In //T. Helgadóttir & S. Ö. Atlason (eds.), Does Matter Know Mind? (Veit efnið af andanum?)// Reykjavik: Philosophical Society of Iceland. {{:public:publications:medvitund-krthórisson.pdf|PDF}} ==== 2008 ==== * [J] Bulitko, V., M. Lustrek, J. Schaeffer, Y. Björnsson, and S. Sigmundarson (2008). Dynamic Control in Real-Time Heuristic Search. //Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)//, **32**:419–452, AAAI Press. * [C] Finnsson, H. and Björnsson, Y. (2008). Simulation-Based Approach to General Game Playing. //Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence//, 259–264. [[http://ru.is/faculty/hif/papers/cadiaplayer_aaai08.pdf|PDF]] * [C] Pedica, C. and Vilhjálmsson, H. (2008). Social Perception and Steering for Online Avatars. In H. Prendinger et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, September 1-3, Tokyo, Japan, //Lecture Notes in Artifcial Intelligence//, **5208:**104-116, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg * [T] Nivel, E. & K. R. Thórisson (2008). Prosodica Real-Time Prosody Tracker. Reykjavik University School of Computer Science Technical Report RUTR08002. {{:public:publications:prosodica.rutr.cs08002.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Heylen, D., Kopp, S., Marsella, S., Pelachaud, C., Vilhjálmsson, H. (2008). The Next Step Towards a Functional Markup Language. In H. Prendinger et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, September 1-3, Tokyo, Japan, Lecture Notes in Artifcial Intelligence, 5208: 270-280, Springer- Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg * [W] Vilhjálmsson, H. and Thórisson, K.R (2008). A Brief History of Function Representation from Gandalf to SAIBA. In the proceedings of the 1st Function Markup Language Workshop at AAMAS, Portugal, June 12-16, 2008. {{:public:publications:briefhistorygandalfsaiba-thorissonvilhjalmsson09.pdf|PDF}} * [B] Thorisson, H. Th. (2008). Emergence of Creativity: A Simulation Approach. In A. Yang and Y. Shan (Eds.), //Intelligent Complex Adaptive Systems//, 126-158. Idea Group Publishing, Pennsylvania, USA. Available in eBook form from [[http://rs253.rapidshare.com/files/109250736/ICompA.pdf|here]]. * [C] Thórisson, K. R. and G. R. Jonsdottir (2008). A Granular Architecture for Dynamic Realtime Dialogue. //Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA)//, Tokyo, Japan, September 1-3. {{:public:publications:dynamic-dialog-architecture-8.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Jonsdottir, G. R., K. R. Thórisson and E. Nivel (2008). Learning Smooth, Human-Like Turntaking in Realtime Dialogue. //Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA)//, Tokyo, Japan, September 1-3. //**Nominated for Best Student Paper award.**// {{:public:publications:learningturntaking-jonsdottiretal08.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Ísleifsdóttir, J. and Y. Björnsson (2008). GTQ: A Language and Tool for Game-Tree Analysis. // Proceedings of the Sixth International Computers and Games Conference (CG'08)//, Beijng, China, September. * [C] Winands, M. H. M. and Y. Björnsson (2008). Monte-Carlo Tree Search Solver. //Proceedings of the Sixth International Computers and Games Conference (CG'08)//, Beijng, China, September. * [J] Winands, M. H. M. and Y. Björnsson (2008). Enhanced Realization Probability Search. //New Mathematics and Natural Computation//, **3**(6), 329-342. * [C] Thórisson, K. R., G. R. Jonsdottir and E. Nivel (2008). Methods for Complex Single-Mind Architecture Designs. In Padgham, Parkes, Müller and Parsons (eds.), Proceedings of the Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2008), May, 12-16, 2008, Estoril, Portugal, 1273-1276. {{public:methodforsinglemind-thorisson-etal-08.pdf|PDF}} * [B] Thórisson, K. R. (2008). Modeling Multimodal Communication as a Complex System. In //I. Wachsmuth, M. Lenzen, G. Knoblich (eds.), Springer Lecture Series in Computer Science: Modeling Communication with Robots and Virtual Humans//, 143-168. New York: Springer. {{:public:publications:thorisson-modelmultimcommascomplexsys-08.pdf|PDF}} * [B] Bonaiuto, J., K. R. Thórisson (2008). Towards a Neurocognitive Model of Realtime Turntaking in Face-to-Face Dialogue. In //I. Wachsmuth, M. Lenzen, G. Knoblich (eds.), Embodied Communication in Humans And Machines//. U.K.: Oxford University Press. {{:public:publications:bonaiutothorissonchap19.pdf|PDF}} ==== 2007 ==== * [J] Schaeffer, J., Burch, N., Björnsson, Y., Kishimoto, A., Müller, M., Lake, R., Lu, P., & Sutphen, S. (2007). Checkers Is Solved. //Science//, **317**(5844):1518-1522. * [C] Jonsdottir, G. R., J. Gratch, E. Fast, & K. R. Thórisson (2007). Fluid Semantic Back-Channel Feedback in Dialogue: Challenges & Progress. Proceedings of //7th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents//, Paris, France, September, C. Pelachaud, J-C. Martin, E. Andre, G. Cholet, K. Karpouzis & D. Pele (Eds.), 154-160. {{:public:publications:semanticbackchannel.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Bulitko, V., Björnsson, Y., Luvstrek, M., Schaeffer, J., & Sigmundarson, S (2007). Dynamic Control in Path-Planning with Real-Time Heuristic Search. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS'07), September 22-26, Providence, RI, USA, pp. 49–56. * [W] Björnsson, Y. & Ísleifsdóttir, J. (2007) GTQL: A Query Language for Game Trees. In Proceedings of the Computer Games Workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands., pp. 205-216. * [W] Ng-Thow-Hing, V., T. List, K.R. Thórisson, J. Lim, J. Wormer (2007). Design and Evaluation of Communication Middleware in a Distributed Humanoid Robot Architecture. //IROS '07// Workshop //Measures and Procedures for the Evaluation of Robot Architectures and Middleware//, 29 Oct. - 2 Nov. San Diego, California. [[http://xenia.media.mit.edu/%7Ekris/ftp/IROS07.pdf|PDF]] * [C] Vilhjalmsson, H., Cantelmo, N., Cassell, J., Chafai, N., Kipp, M., Kopp, S., Mancini, M., Marsella, S., Marshall A., Pelachaud, C., Ruttkay Z., Thorisson, K., van Welbergen, H. and van der Werf, R. (2007). The Behavior Markup Language: Recent Developments and Challenges. //C. Pelachaud et al. (Eds.): IVA 2007, LNAI 4722: 99-111//, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg * [T] Thórisson, H. Th. & K. R. Thórisson (2007). Creativity Evolution in Simulated Creatures: A Summary Report. Reykjavik University Department of Computer Science Technical Report RUTR-CS07004b. {{:public:publications:creativity-summaryreport-final.pdf|PDF}} * [T] Thórisson, K. R., T. List, C. Pennock and J. DiPirro (2007). OpenAIR 1.0 Specification. Reykjavik University Department of Computer Science Technical Report RUTR-CS07005. {{public:publications:openair-rutr-cs07005.pdf|PDF}} * [T] Nivel, E. (2007). Ikon Flux v 2.0 Specification. Reykjavik University Department of Computer Science Technical Report RUTR-CS07006. {{:public:publications:ikonfluxrutrcs07006.pdf|PDF}} * [T] Thórisson, K. R., R. Saemundsson, G. R. Jonsdóttir, C. Pedica, P. Skowronski, P. R. Thrainsson, Æ. Thorsteinsson, B. Reynisson (2007). Using Constructionist Design Methdology in Large-Scale Agent-Based Simulation Systems. Reykjavik University Department of Computer Science Technical Report RUTR-CS07003. {{public:cdm-krth-rjs-tech-report.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Vilhjalmsson, H., Merchant, C. and Samtani, P. (2007). Social Puppets: Towards Modular Social Animation for Agents and Avatars. //D. Schuler (Ed.): Online Communities and Social Computing, HCII 2007, LNCS 4564: 192-201//, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg * [C] Thórisson, K. R. (2007). Avatar Intelligence Infusion — Key Noteworthy Issues. **Keynote**, //10th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, 3IA 2007//, Athens, Greece, May 30-31, 123-134. [[http://xenia.media.mit.edu/%7Ekris/ftp/AvatarIntelligenceInfusion-Thorisson-07.pdf|PDF]] * [J] Thórisson, K. R. (2007). Integrated A.I. Systems. //[[http://www.springerlink.com/content/y04485h9j3u8x431/|Minds & Machines]]//, **17**:11-25, 2007. Invited paper at The Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence Conference: The Next 50 Years — Commemorating the 1956 Founding of AI as a Research Discipline, July 13-15, 2006, Dartmouth, New Hampshire, U.S.A. [[http://www.springerlink.com/content/y04485h9j3u8x431/fulltext.pdf|PDF]]. ==== 2006 ==== * [C] Kopp, S., B. Krenn, S. Marsella, A. N. Marshall, C. Pelachaud, H. Pirker, K. R. Thórisson, H. Vilhjálmsson, (2006). Towards a Common Framework for Multimodal Generation: The Behavior Markup Language. //Proceedings of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA '06)//, August 21-23. //**Nominated for Best Conference Paper Award**//. Also published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. [[http://xenia.media.mit.edu/%7Ekris/ftp/BML-IVA-06-KoppEtAl.pdf|PDF]] * [C] Saemundsson, R., K. R. Thórisson, G. R. Jónsdóttir, M. Arinbjarnar, H. Finnsson, H. Gudnason, V. Hafsteinsson, G. Hannesson, J. Isleifsdottir, Á. Jóhannsson, G. Kristjansson, S. Sigmundarson (2006). Modular Simulation of Knowledge Development in Industry: A Multi-Level Framework. //Proceedings of the First International Conference on Economic Sciences with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents//, Italy, June 15-17. [[http://xenia.media.mit.edu/%7Ekris/ftp/KnowledgeSimulation-WEHIA06.pdf|PDF]] * [E] van der Herik, J., N. Netanyahu, Y. Björnsson (2006). Computers and Games. Revised papers from the //Forth International Conference on Computers and Games (CG 2004)//, Ramat-Gan, Israel. Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, **3846**:333. * [C] Björnsson, Y., J. Schaeffer, N. Sturtevant (2006). Partial Information Endgame Databases. //Proceedings of the Advances in Computer Games 11//, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, **4250**, Tapai, Taiwan, 11-22. * [C] Björnsson, Y., R. Hayward, M. Johanson, and J. van Rijswijck (2006). Dead Cell Analysis in Hex and the Shannon Game. //Graph Theory, Trends in Mathematics//, 45-59. * [C] Björnsson, Y., and K. Halldórsson (2006). Improved Heuristics for Optimal Pathfinding on Game Maps, //Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Entertainment (AIIDE’06)//, Marina Del Ray, CA. * [C] Sigmundarson, S., and Y. Björnsson (2006). Value Back-Propagation vs. Backtracking in Real-Time Heuristic Search, //Proceedings of the 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’06)//, Workshop on Learning for Search, 136-141. ==== 2005 ==== * [J] Ryan Hayward, Yngvi Björnsson, Michael Johanson, Morgan Kan, Nathan Po and Jack van Rijswijck (2005). Solving 7x7 Hex with domination, fill-in, and virtual-connections, //Theoretical Computer Science//, **349**(2), 123-139. * [C] Jonathan Schaeffer, Yngvi Björnsson, Neil Burch, Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Muller, Rob Lake, Paul Lu and Steve Sutphen (2005). Solving Checkers, //Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'05)//, Edinburgh, 292-297. //**Distinguished Paper Prize**//. * [C] Yngvi Björnsson, Markus Enzenberger, Rob Holte and Jonathan Schaeffer (2005). Fringe Search: Beating A* at Pathfinding on Computer Game Maps, //Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games//, pp. 125-132. * [T] List, T., J. Bins, R. B. Fisher, D. Tweed and K. R. Thórisson (2005). Two Approaches to a Plug-and-Play Vision Architecture – CAVIAR and Psyclone. //Proceedings of AAAI-05, Workshop on Modular Construction of Human-Like Intelligence//, Pittsburgh, PA, July 10, AAAI Technical Report WS-05-08, 16-23. [[http://xenia.media.mit.edu/%7Ekris/ftp/ListEtAl05.pdf|PDF]] * [C] Thórisson, K. R., T. List, C. Pennock, J. DiPirro (2005). Whiteboards: Scheduling Blackboards for Semantic Routing of Messages & Streams. //Proceedings of AAAI-05, Workshop on Modular Construction of Human-Like Intelligence//, Pittsburgh, PA, July 10, AAAI Technical Report WS-05-08, 8-15. [[http://xenia.media.mit.edu/%7Ekris/ftp/whiteboards.pdf|PDF]] * [T] Thórisson, K. R., T. List, J. DiPirro, C. Pennock (2005). A Framework for A.I. Integration. //Reykjavik University Department of Computer Science Technical Report//, RUTR-CS05001. {{:public:publications:aiframework-rutr-cs-05002.pdf|PDF}} * [T] Thórisson, K. R., T. List, J., C. Pennock, DiPirro, F. Magnusson (2005). Scheduling Blackboards for Interactive Robots. //Reykjavik University Department of Computer Science Technical Report, RUTR-CS05002.// {{:public:publications:blackboardsforrobots-rutr-cs-05001.pdf|PDF}} * [C] Thórisson, K. R. (2005). On the Nature of Presence. //Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior AISB-2005//, Workshop on Presence Cues for Virtual Humanoids, Hertforshire, Hatfield, U.K., April 12-15, 15-21. [[http://xenia.media.mit.edu/%7Ekris/ftp/OtNoP-Thorisson2005.pdf|PDF]] ==== 2004 ==== * [C] Björnsson, Y., V. Hafsteinsson, Á. Jóhannsson, E. Jónsson (2004). Efficient Use of Reinforcement Learning in a Computer Game, in //Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Games: Artificial Intelligence, Design and Education//, 379-383. * [J] Thórisson, K. R., H. Benko, A. Arnold, D. Abramov, S. Maskey, A. Vaseekaran (2004). Constructionist Design Methodology for Interactive Intelligences. //A.I. Magazine//, **25**(4): 77-90. Menlo Park, CA: American Association for Artificial Intelligence. [[http://xenia.media.mit.edu/%7Ekris/ftp/AIMag-CDM-ThorissonEtAl04.pdf|PDF]] [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/media/Mirage_compr.mov|Quicktime]] * [J] Thórisson, K. R., C. Pennock, T. List, J. DiPirro (2004). Artificial Intelligence in Computer Graphics: A Constructionist Approach. //Computer Graphics Quarterly//, **38**(1): 26-30. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. [[http://xenia.media.mit.edu/%7Ekris/ftp/AIMag-CDM-ThorissonEtAl04.pdf|PDF]] \\ \\ \\