====== Connecting ====== ===== Windows ===== For those connecting to Gola from windows there is [[http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/|Putty]] (those using cygwin can use the Linux instructions). After opening Putty you enter "" as the host name and "20222" as the port (make sure that ssh is the selected protocol). Then go to Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels. In source port enter "12000"\\ In destination enter ":" where is the name of the machine you are going to run psyclone on (gola5 or gola6) and is the port psyclone is going to use on that machine. Then press the button "Add". After that go back to Session and save the session by giving it some name and pressing "Save". When all the settings are done press "Connect" and log in. If you can't log in make sure that the version of putty you are using is higher than 0.51. ===== Linux ===== "ssh -p 20222 -L 12000:: @" is the name of the machine you are going to run psyclone on (gola5 or gola6), is the port psyclone is going to use on that machine and is your username on Gola. ====== After connection has been made ====== You are now located on the gola master. If it is your first time on Gola there are two things you have to do. * Run "passwd" to set a password for your account you can remember * Run "ln -s /opt/psyclone/psyclone/html" so that psyprobe can work properly This machine should not be used to run psyclone instead use "ssh ", where is the Gola you opened a tunnel to when connecting. ====== Starting psyclone ====== Run "psyclone port=", where is the port you opened a tunnel to, in your homedirectory. ====== Connecting to Psyprobe ====== After psyclone as been started you can open a webbrowser on your machine and go to "localhost:12000" and should see psyprobe for the psyclone you just started.