====== CADIA RESEARCH PROJECTS ====== Go to [[http://cadia.ru.is|CADIA HOME PAGE]] for all current and major CADIA research projects. \\ Here you can find various smaller and/or older research projects. === Skundar the Robot / Véldýrið Pottormur === | {{:public:cadia-research:skundar-furry.png?150x150|Skundar}} | [[http://cadia.ru.is/wiki/public:skundar:main|Skundar]] is a robot platform that evolved from the Garage-AI effort that grew tino a project of its own, focused on "intelligent interaction in social office environments". The original Skundar platform was built at a very low cost. Although our plan was to keep that basic platform intact while augmenting it with new features, especially more sophisticated software and more capable sensing hardware, it has been deemed necessary to revamp its control systems; we aim to have it up and running with new electronics in spring 2011. When Skundar grows up it should capable of interacting in realtime with people walking in the CADIA hallways. | \\ \\ === Efficient Navigation in Dynamic Multi-Agent  Environments === | {{:public:cadia-research:virtualgame-1.gif|Efficient Navigation}} | [[:public:efficientnavigation:main|Efficient Navigation in Dynamic Multi-Agent Environments]] The main objective of this research project is to develop more efficient algorithms for real-time terrain navigation in large dynamic environments with multiple moving agents. The immediate focus will be on applications to commercial computer games, although such techniques may also prove useful in other domains that require real-time decisions making using limited computing and memory resources. | \\ \\ ===MINDMAKERS.ORG=== | {{:public:cadia-research:mindmakers-1.gif|mindmakers.org}} | [[http://www.mindmakers.org|MINDMAKERS.ORG]] An on-going effort to unify the work of many A.I. researchers through a multi-prong approach including a central repository of work, a common API and routing protocol with an open-source reference implementation, a common scheduling blackboard architecture and a forum for dialogue among members of the A.I. community. CADIA is presently working with the [[http://www.iiim.is|Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines]] to revitalize this important work and move it to the next stages. | \\ \\ ===Bílskúrsgervigreind / Garage A.I.=== | {{:public:cadia-research:garage_ai_prize.jpg|Garage AI}} | [[http://cadia.ru.is/projects/garageai/ | Garage AI]] / [[http://cadia.ru.is/projects/bilskursgervigreind|Bílskúrsgervigreind]] The future will bring significant increases in the uses of artificial intelligence in all areas of society. Garage AI prepares you for that future. We have built up a collection of software and instructions that enable you to start building artificially intelligent systems in your own garage. With time the number of these software and hardware "LEGO bricks" will grow, making it increasingly easy for enthusiasts to join in the fun and make Bílskúrsgervigreind the modern equivalent of the ham-radio movement. |