====== OpenBEAT ====== {{ :openbeat:logo.png|}} OpenBEAT was a BS project for Center for Analysis and Design of Intelligent Agents (CADIA) at Reykjavik University in the spring of 2009. The project is an open-source application that allows animators to input typed text that they wish to be spoken by an animated human figure. The output of the application is synchronized nonverbal behaviors in a form that can be sent to a number of different animation systems such as [[http://cadia.ru.is/projects/bmlr/|BML Realizer]]. OpenBEAT is based on [[http://www.media.mit.edu/gnl/publications/siggraph2001.pdf|BEAT]] but with a different approach in regard of data structure, extensibility as well as it allows developers to use different natural language processing toolkits including English and Icelandic. The project is developed by: //Árni Hermann Reynisson// (arnihr@gmail.com), //Eiríkur Ari Pétursson// (bleikur@gmail.com) and //Guðleifur Kristjánsson// (gudleifur@gudleifur.com). [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/hannes/|Dr Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson]] is the project supervisor. ==== Download ==== * [[http://hvergi.net/~arni/openbeat-dist-1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip|Download OpenBEAT 1.0-SNAPSHOT (since May 20 2009, 37MB)]] ==== Using OpenBEAT ==== * [[openbeat:userguide|User guide]] ==== Developing OpenBEAT ==== * [[openbeat:developerguide|Developer guide]] ==== Reference ==== * [[openbeat:openbeat|About OpenBEAT]]